
Fuck Corona... Pew Pew, Pew Pew

Casey With Laser Eyes Remembers Life Before Covid!

A Birthday Haiku For You:

Six feet apart, please! 
Kitties, dogs, burgers, OKAY! 
People? Stay Away!

Happy Happy Birthday, Casey With Laser Eyes!

This year Casey Babe celebrates her 37th year, and hot damn it's been a weird one. With a pandemic and social distancing and election year woes, it's been hard to feel funky and fresh, but somehow our girl has managed to persevere. Her friends and family may be six feet away (or more), but Casey always manages to make her ride or dies feel special and loved. Join me in wishing Casey Babe the happiest of Happy Birthdays, Corona be damned!

*Editor's Note: Get your shit together Nevada, we only need SIX MORE VOTES.